LODE Emissions

The comptroller contract also governs the LODE emission subsidies distributed to the dapp.

LODE drips from its reservoir contract into the comptroller contract at .8036 LODE per Ethereum block, which is assumed to be 12 seconds. The LODE in the comptroller contract is where LODE emissions enter circulation. 12% of emissions, which is about .1095 LODE per Ethereum block, entering the comptroller will be designated to be transferred to the liquidity mining contract during the initial release of the project.

The remaining 88% of emissions will be used to subsidize activity within the dapp. At launch this equates to roughly .8036 LODE per Ethereum block at the release of the dapp. 50% of the emissions allocated to the market are governance controlled through snapshot voting. The other 50% are dynamic and chance week to week from the weekly gage system to redirected in the weights that fit the needs and desires of the community. Below is the static rate of emissions for each market representing the 50% of emissions controlled by formal governance, at launch of v1 the following weights are doubled until the gage system goes live:

Last updated